

Can cats eat fruits - hidden facts that you know

A responsible cat owner should ask the types of food your cat can and cannot have. Cats are carnivores and survive in the flesh if you ask can cats eat fruit is not surprising to know that they have no interest in fruits like other animals do.

Domestic cats and wild cats are carnivores. They appreciate it when given meat dishes. Don't eat vegetables although some cats may show interest in certain types of vegetables. Before you give your cat any fruit to create a distraction from their usual diet of meat, it is ideal to see and talk to your veterinarian if your cat can have fruit. Some fruits are good for cats, but there are also some which can be toxic to your system. Your veterinarian can tell you the types of fruits that can be eaten safely your cat and which should be avoided at all costs.

Cats can eat except grapes and persimmon fruits because they are toxic and can kill your cat. But also give acidic as oranges, lime or lemon, which can irritate the stomach of your cat. Don't want to endanger the health of your cat because you want to try something new apart from what they eat regularly and never should try to give them any fruit especially without consulting your veterinarian first.

Some veterinarians may recommend to not give any fruits or vegetables. Cats can survive in meat alone and it receives the majority of the nutrients they need from it. If you have decided to give them ready to eat as what they can find in the supermarket, sure of the brand that you want to choose cat food manufactured using the best and the finest ingredients. Line dry food diet is not ideal for cats. It would be smart to also add canned foods to your diet. Choose a cat food healthier meat that has little or no amount of grain based.

Some cats may show some interest in fruits and vegetables. There is nothing wrong with giving your cat some fruits while not damage the. Be careful when giving fruits especially apples because it can easily choke your cat. Ideally, served cut in sizes that your cat is capable of chewing or swallowing.

Fruits can be delicious and nutritious, but not all the nutrients present in it are important or necessary in the diet of your cat. So even if your cat is showing some interest in the fruit that you eat, resist the temptation to share it with them if you don't want to suffer any health problems that may be caused by the consumption of fruit. As a gift, give your cat some dry food or let it enjoy your favourite meat dish as a reward for good behavior.

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Can Cats Eat Ice Cream?

Most cats are finicky eaters. Compared to dogs, they are less likely to get attracted to certain human foods. But it is important to know that some foods may be dangerous to cats and ice cream is one of them. So if you wonder, 'can cats eat ice cream', no they can't. If you are thinking about giving your cat this sweet treat, you might want to think again.

Ice creams may be one of your favorite treats. But they are not ideal for your cat because they contain milk and any product that has dairy is not suitable for your cat in the first place.

For instance, chocolate ice cream has methylxanthines, such as caffeine and theobromine. Such substances are enjoyed by most humans as they keep you alert, active and are responsible for euphoria but for cats, these ingredients can be fatal. Even a small amount of it may result in instant death.

There are a number of nasty surprises you can expect if you decided to feed your cat with chocolate ice cream. Mild symptoms like high heart rate can turn into muscle tremors, vomiting, coma and death so you should never risk it. If you are suspecting that your cat has eaten ice cream, seek immediately the advice of a vet.

Even other flavors of ice cream such as vanilla are still not advised for cats. In most cases, adult cats are lactose intolerant. Therefore giving them dairy products may result in upset tummy. Because milk is not digested well and not needed, it is always better that you give your cat with something that is approved by your vet.

Cats cannot taste sweet and all they are after is the fatty, creamy texture of ice cream. You should not assume that your cat will appreciate the taste of flavored ice cream. If you really want to give your cat a cold treat during hot days, you can help it cope with the heat by keeping them hydrated all the time. Simply give your cat a bowl of water. You can also keep them inside the house to stay cool.

Can cats eat ice cream? No they can't so don't you ever attempt to give them even a small amount of ice cream. Do not leave ice cream on the table unattended because your cat might lick on them. In small amounts they may not be fatal but still it is good to avoid giving them any ice cream because they might make your cat sick.

As a cat owner, it is part of your responsibilities to know the different types of food that are good and harmful for your cat. What you think would be good for your cat because of the great taste may not always be the best for its health. Be careful in feeding your cat with anything.

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Can Our Favorite Cats Eat Nuts?

Cats are true carnivores. Their teeth have evolved for eating a diet completely of meat. When in the wild, the only vegetation cats would normally eat is in the form of grass which they chew for medicinal purposes. As a cat owner, you are always concern about what your cats should only eat. If you love munching on nuts and your cat is curious about what you are eating, you probably have thought about giving them a few pieces to enjoy.

However, some nuts may not be good for cats. The high phosphorous content in nuts may cause your cat with some problems. Walnuts for instance are reported to be highly toxic to cats.

Roasted and raw macadamia nuts are very harmful to pets, the reason why you should never attempt giving them this type of nut. Although there are no data for cats but there have been toxicity cases in dogs. Dogs that have eaten between six and fort macadamia nut better and kernels developed temporary hind limb weakness and muscle tremors. In fact, some had painful and swollen limbs. They were visibly distressed and unable to get up. Though the effects may be temporary, they can be very distressing and painful not only to your pet but even to you. With less effective livers, cats can become at risk from problems brought about by eating macadamia nuts.

Most cats are attracted to the oily texture of nuts but it is wise not to allow them to eat nuts most especially macadamia nuts. There are some nuts that are generally safe for cats to eat such as almond nuts. Pine nuts are also not toxic to cats however they contain a great amount of fact that can lead to diarrhea.

Domestic cats are usually more adventurous when it comes to their tastes and would often sample fruits and vegetables. There has been a long, but wrong tradition of giving cats milk. Generally, cats are not evolved to digest these things. Other foods that you enjoy should be given to cats at all especially if you are unsure if your cat should eat them or if these foods are safe for them to take. The stimulants in coffee, tea and chocolate which made them so agreeable to human make them harmful to cats.

The most important thing that you should know is whether or not your cat has eaten enough of the nuts and other harmful and toxic foods to suffer ill-effects. Some human foods are toxic even if only a small amount of it is eaten while others will not cause any illness unless they are repeatedly eaten or in larger amount. Compared to dogs and humans, cats have relatively poor liver function. Cats do not require good liver function as they usually rely on their prey to break down any harmful substances which are found in vegetable manner.

So before giving your cats with nuts or any other food, ask your vet or research about it first to make sure you won't cause any digestive problems or other illnesses to them. Rate this Article

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Bernard A Baker has published 47 articles. Article submitted on January 16, 2014. Word count: 476

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Cat Boarding - How to Ensure Your Pets' Safety?

The essence of a happy cat is an enriching environment, which improves the quality of their lives by increased physical activity, stimulating natural behaviors, and preventing violent behavior. The facility places music to enhance the quality of the environment, and they also take requests of songs that are enjoyed by your cat. The suites have fun and interactive toys, which help them enjoy and remain happy and secure during their short stay at this place. People may require long term boarding facility because of relocation or hospital stay, and they are allowed to visit as often as they wish.

Who looks after them?

The facility has professionals who maybe veterinary nurses or people who understand the requirements of cats. Prior to placing them here, a few clarifications are taken such if they enjoy the company of others and whether they get violent in any situation in particular. Depending on the facility that has been opted for different protocols of admission could be followed, which is done as a precaution to avoid causing any discomfort in future during the stay.

The stress of being away from the owner and in an unfamiliar environment is understandable. Thus, by providing for essentials, such as access to fresh water and proper diet, appropriate shelter and comfortable resting area, up to date with vaccinations and preventative worming & flea treatment, providing sufficient space and company of the animal's own kind, and conditions and treatment which prevent mental suffering.


Vaccination is important to prevent most of the diseases. They will be tested and vaccinated against FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus), because they will be interacting with others too. It should be kept in its own container prior to admission to avoid unnecessary delays. To ensure familiarity with the environment bringing a few of its own furnishing such as bedding helps them feel comforted in the initial period. To avoid unnecessary expenditure, treatments for fleas and worms needs to be performed otherwise they would be done at the expense of the owner.

What should be brought?

By bringing along the familiar objects from home such as toys, blankets or bedding helps them feel secure. Of course there are comfortable warm beds for them, but to help in the transition it helps to have familiar objects around. Moreover, always provide essential medical details and other dietary precautions to avoid any discomfort for them.

John Naismith is the author of this article on Cat Boarding. Find more information, about cat boarding and cattery Click here or call us on 03 9436 1252.
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